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Adding configurability to your mod

This guide will tell you how to add configurability to your mod

Creating config file

Create config.lua next to your mod's main.lua file. To make your mod's config compatible with GSS Mod Manager, you will need to follow the config standard. Add what you want to be configurable to the config:

local config = {
    -- fields @description, @type and @default are required, normal comments are ignored
    --@description Key that needs to be pressed with modifier keys to print a string
    --@type Key
    --@default Key.F1
    key = Key.F2,
    --@description Modifier keys that needs to be pressed with the key to print a string
    --@type list[ModifierKey]
    --@default {}
    modifier_keys = { ModifierKey.SHIFT },
    --@description The string to print
    --@type string
    --@default "hello world!"
    string = "I'm a string!",
    --@description An integer
    --@type int range=1..1000
    --@default 30
    -- the above will make sure that this integer will be in range from 1 to 1000
    integer = 109,
    --@description A float
    --@type float range=4.4..44.44 precision=2
    --@default 5
    -- precision=2 means that the amount of numbers after dot can't exceed 2
    a_float = 30.4
return config

Using config

To use the config values you need to add code at the start of main.lua:

local config = require "config"

Then you can use the values:

RegisterKeyBind(config.key, config.modifier_keys, function()
    print(string.format("Keybind was pressed: %s", config.string))

That's it! You can now add configurability to your mods.